new version of eMaxMobileApp 1.55 for iOS and Android released
The latest eMaxMobileApp version 1.55 is ready for download in Apple AppStore and Google PlayStore.
Now the display speed adjustment as well as the lower limit of the max. torque range (which is relevant for the E-Tube-Project software) can be set directly in eMaxMobileApp.
Also some optimizations for the different types of EP8 drive units as well as EP8 motor firmware 4.0.x have been added.
With this version of eMaxMobileApp it is possible to access and modify also the latest motor firmware versions of DU-EP800 (EP8) (FW.: 4.1.8), DU-E50X0 (FW.: 4.4.7), DU-E61X0 (FW.: 4.7.4), DU-E7000 (FW.: 4.7.4), DU-E80X0 (4.9.3) from Shimano, but only in a LIMITED way.
TAKE CARE: Although this version of eMaxMobileApp is partially compatible with all the latest motor firmware versions of all drive units, it is NOT possible to change bike settings in order to increase max. motor support speed via Bluetooth! Also some of the light related functionality is not or only partially available with the newest firmware versions from Shimano.
See also here.
If you want to speed up your bike with the latest motor firmware versions or need special light functionality, you can use the latest version of our Windows based miniMax program in combination with a PCE interface or you can downgrade to a previous motor firmware (see documents in the support section).